CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

God is Faithful

Today was a special day (date: 29.09.2009) for both, me & my hubby... and before I get the details all faded away in my memory, I wanted to record it down. Today was our first day visiting to a new gyne (namely Dr. Wong) at a nearby private hospital. Both me & my hubby were very anxious about visiting this gyne caused very seldom we came acrossed a female gyne before(!). This is our first one, after researching so many private hospitals.

Luckily, we do not have to wait for too long till our turn to see the gyne. There only one patient before us and they were already inside the room with the doc. After waiting about 30 mins, it's our turn!!! :D *so relieved that we do not need to wait too long till our turn......*

Well, my first impression this female gyne was she is nothing girly nor she has a long hair nor wearing any skirt nor her hair is permed (typical doc you will always see in the movie). But one thing which is spot right on was that this gyne is wearing glasses... (Huh... apart of so many things I expect only this came out to be matching?!? hahah..) During our consultation hour, while the gyne trying to record my medical details... my hubby suddenly became very pro-active in answering all the questions that my gyne wanting to ask me (??!) This is very nice of him... *I guess he is also very anxious like me*. :)

I must say this gyne is very straight forward with all questions and answers. No twist-and-turn! After that, we proceed to having my ultra-sound scan. This was the moment I was waiting for... to see how my little baby was doing in my tummy :) As the gyne was expalining the baby structure at her ultra-sound screen... suddenly my hubby (again) abrupt with another question... "Can we see the gender of the baby now doc???" asked my curious hubby wanting to double confirm. My gyne then proceed to scanning my baby genital part and said "Well, it depends if the baby opens it's legs or not..." And continue saying "It's a boy!" and I was suprised and wanting to see it myself to double confirm! So, my gyne tried to scan different angles of my baby body to let us see his... yes, penis. :) To get a clear and better view :)

Overall, we were very happy and satisfied with this gyne compared with the gyne we had on our previous visit. Just one drawback, this gyne will be away from the eve of CNY till the whole week :'( If only she will be availabe when my baby comes out. I guess there won't be any Chinese gyne around at that time of year. Who want to work during festive season... sigh..

After coming out from the gyne office, I still haven't got through with the news that "I WILL BE HAVING A BABY BOY AS MY FIRST CHILD.." It took some time for me to digest what my gyne just told me... until I reached home. I felt blessed that the Almighty Lord has hear my prayers and granted me with a healthy baby (no matter what the gender is). Feels like I want to shout it out loud tothe whole world but I think this one I just kept it to myself... for my own contemptment :)

He who puesues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. PROVERBS 21:12 NIV

You, Lord, are my God! I will promise you for doing the wonderful things you has planned and promised since ancient times. ISAIAH 25:1 CEV

God os all that is good, I want all of you. SHow us how to seek you in every way, to experience you every day, and grow closer to you. AMEN.

Everlasting God, you have shown yourself to be the only one I can truly count on. Make me as faithful as you are. AMEN.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Second Trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy consists of weeks 13 to 24. Many women consider this trimester to be easier than the first, in part because the moodiness of early pregnancy sometimes lessens. Although many symptoms, such as nausea and fatigue, begin to disappear, a number of more evident changes will emerge. Common changes and symptoms of the second trimester include:
- Expanding abdomen.
As pregnancy progresses, the uterus becomes heavier and expands to create room for the fetus. By the 12th week of pregnancy, the growing uterus may cause a woman’s abdomen to slightly protrude. In addition, women may gain up to 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms) a month until the end of pregnancy. The uterus will continue to enlarge throughout pregnancy as the expectant mother gains weight and the fetus continues to grow. By the 20th week of pregnancy, the expanding uterus will extend to the level of the navel.
Continued breast growth.

As pregnancy progresses, the breasts begin to prepare for breastfeeding. Estrogen and progesterone stimulate the milk producing glands in the breasts to enlarge. A small amount of fat may also accumulate in the breasts. As a result, there may be as much as 1 pound (454 grams) of breast tissue, and the woman’s bra size may increase up to two cup sizes. The breasts may continue to be tender during this period of the pregnancy. Pregnant women may improve their comfort by wearing proper fitting and supportive bras.
Tingling. Many woman experience tingling and numbness in the fingers during pregnancy. This is due to swelling of tissues in the narrow passages in the wrists. These sensations often disappear after delivery.
- Itchiness
Many women experience itchiness as their pregnancies progress. This is due to hormones and stretching skin in areas such as the abdomen. Some women also develop itchiness and redness on their palms and the soles of their feet. These symptoms usually vanish after delivery. Women may benefit from moisturizing and using soaps for sensitive skin. In addition, women should avoid taking hot showers or baths, which can cause dryness. Since heat rash can worsen itching, women should also avoid becoming overheated. Women experiencing itching in combination with nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes) or fatigue should contact their obstetrician-gynecologist (ObGyn) immediately. This may be a sign of cholestasis, a condition that indicates a serious liver disorder.

- Nasal problems.
During pregnancy, the lining of the nose and airway may swell as more blood flows to the mucus membranes. This can result in restricted airflow. In addition, hormones affect the tissues of the throat, mouth and nose. As a result, pregnant women may experience snoring, congestion and nosebleeds. Women may benefit from drinking water, sleeping on their sides and using a cool mist humidifier in their bedroom. Although these conditions are typically harmless, women should contact their ObGyn when nosebleeds occur often or continue longer than a few minutes.

- Dizziness.
A woman may experience dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting at any time during her pregnancy. These symptoms may be especially noticeable early in the second trimester. This is due to the additional blood heading toward the uterus and legs and the dilation of blood vessels in response to hormones. Occasional dizziness may occur until the volume of blood expands to fill the vessels. Women may benefit from avoiding prolonged standing, lying on their left side (to relieve pressure on blood vessels) and rising slowly after sitting or lying down. In addition, women should avoid sitting or standing in one position for an extended period of time.

- Leg and foot cramps.
It is common for pregnant women to experience leg cramps during the second and third trimesters. Frequently occurring at night, these cramps may result from the pressure the uterus applies to the veins that return blood from the legs. Changes in circulation and stress on the leg muscles due to carrying additional weight may also be to blame. In addition, cramps may also be due to changes in the way the body metabolizes (processes) calcium. Women may benefit from stretching the affected muscle or walking, and consuming an adequate amount of calcium.

- Vaginal discharge.
Pregnant women may produce a thin, white vaginal discharge (leukorrhea). Consisting of cells from the vaginal lining and normal vaginal moisture, this type of discharge is not a cause for concern although the amount may be greater than before pregnancy. However, women should contact their ObGyn if they produce a strong-smelling green or yellowish vaginal discharge or any vaginal discharge accompanied by redness, itching or irritation. These symptoms may indicate a vaginal infection.

- Bleeding gums.
The increased blood circulation experienced during pregnancy can cause the gums to soften. As a result, a woman may have minor bleeding when she brushes her teeth or flosses. Pregnant women may benefit from flossing daily and brushing with a soft bristled toothbrush. Women experiencing persistent bleeding from the gums should contact their dentist.
Braxton Hicks contractions. During the second trimester, the uterus may begin flexing to build up strength. As a result, a woman may feel contractions in her lower abdomen and groin. These contractions, known as Braxton Hicks contractions, are usually painless and unpredictable. Women should immediately contact their ObGyn when contractions become painful or regular. This may be a sign of premature labor.

- Glowing skin.
Pregnant women may experience a “healthy glow” resulting from the increase of blood circulation. In addition, some areas of the skin may continue to increase in pigmentation, including the nipples.

Major developments in the fetus continue to occur during this trimester, including the complete formation of many chief organs, such as the heart. In addition, the mother may be able to feel the fetus move.

Major fetal developments during the second trimester include:

Week 14
The fetus’s gender can often be identified during an ultrasound
The fetus is able to hear

Week 16
The fetus’s fingers are able to grasp
The fetus moves more vigorously, and the mother is able to feel it
The fetus’s body begins to fill out as the result of fat depositing beneath the skin
Hair emerges on the head and skin, including eyebrows and eyelashes
The placenta (the organ that connects the fetus to the uterus to provide oxygen and nutrients and to remove waste products) is completely formed

Weeks 23 to 24
The fetus is potentially capable of surviving outside the uterus

For more info please check put this website:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fetal Development

I'm back! Hey everyone! How are ya'll doing so far? I hope you had a great day.. As for me, I'm busy dealing with my pregnancy as I'm new in this role. This week marked the 19th week of my pregnancy. Thank you Lord for the save and healthy development of my baby in my womb. I pray that Lord you will continue to look after my baby and bless me & my hubby with all the wisdom on how to deal with my pregnancy. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Week 19:

You're halfway there! The top of your uterus now reaches your belly button and will grow about a centimeter per week. The fetus measures around 6 inches/ 15 centimeters long from crown to rump and weighs about 9 ounces/ 240 grams.
She has started to swallow amniotic fluid, and her kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on the scalp is sprouting. Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses - taste, smell, hearing, seeing and touch - are now developing in their specialised areas of the brain. Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections. If you're carrying a baby girl, she already has roughly six million eggs in her ovaries. By the time she's born, she'll have about one million.

Information you need, just when you need it:

You may have felt the kicking and somersaulting of your growing baby. At times, you might find that she is so mobile that you can't sleep. The next 10 weeks or so will be your baby's busiest and most active time, until the womb gets too crowded. Two will soon be three and that will mean lots of changes, so have a look at our sex and relationships section.

• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently - even in utero. These fetal development pages are designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb.