CafeMom Tickers

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Formula Milk

Below are some of the most important info about formula milk which I think all mothers should know before they feed their babies formula milk. Up until yesterday, I didn't know all these before I fed my child formula milk. Most of the time we will tend to listen to the "free advise" which given by people around us but we did not find out the answers ourselves. It was a BIG mistake to just take other people advise blindly without researching the info yourself... It happened to me and I hope it won't happened to you BUT I will make sure it won't happened again!!! (>_<)

Formula Dos and Don'ts :

Do use formula before the expiration date on the label.

Do prepare formula exactly as stated on the label. Formula that is too weak or diluted can stunt growth or lead to nutritional deficiencies. Formula that is too strong can lead to dehydration or kidney problems.

Do wash your hands before handling baby bottles or feeding your baby.

Do sterilise bottles and equipment.

Do use refrigerated ready-to-feed formula within 48 hours of opening.

Do throw away any formula left in a bottle after a feed. Germs and bacteria from your baby's saliva will live and breed in the warm liquid.

Don't retain or refrigerate unused, prepared formula.

Don't heat formula in a microwave. The temperature of the liquid may be uneven, and could scald your baby even if the bottle feels cool to the touch.

Don't put cereal in a bottle - it makes choking more likely.

Don't prop up your baby's bottle - it increases his risk of choking.

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