The good news is that many women have signals that show when they are ovulating. All you need to do is to find them and then you're on your way to trying to get pregnant.
Increase in cervical fluid.When you are ovulating, your body increases the amount of cervical fluid. Many women just notice that towards the middle of their cycle they are a bit more moist. This can make sex easier because you usually don't require lubrication from outside sources. Women also report feeling more sexually attractive and attracted to your mate. (The good news is that they seem to have the same feelings when you're ovulating because of pheromones and other not so easily explainable forces.) **Once your vaginal mucus becomes less thick, you are getting closer to ovulation.
Your cervix moves forward. You can easily check the position of your own cervix. Simply wash your hands and stick a finger or two inside your vagina and feel the cervix. When you are not fertile you will notice that your cervix is harder and not open. Your cervix will feel about the consistency of the end of your nose. When you ovulate the cervix is easier to reach, a bit softer and slightly open to receive sperm. At this point your cervix may feel more like your ear lobe.
One sided pain during ovulation. This is called mittleschmerz or middle pain. This is caused from a tiny bit of blood causing an achy feeling during ovulation. Not every woman notices this pain. But if you do experience it is a good clue that you have ovulated.
Your basal body temperature shifts. If you are tracking your basal body temperatures you can see where your temperatures shift downwards then suddenly spike upwards. This is also an indication of ovulation. This requires that you take your temperature on a daily basis.
You have an LH surge. This one requires testing with ovulation prediction kits (OPK). This involves spending money to purchase test kits that measure the amount of LH in your urine.
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