Well, recently, I've watched this cute movie called Little Mahattan at home and I have to say I truely enjoyed the whole movie. I enjoyed every bit of it... it's not only funny and interesting, it's very real life as well. How come I've missed this movie back then (in 2005)??? But thank God that I didn't missed anything at all even though I only watched it recently. Just hope I could have watch this earlier... that would make me happier. Sometimes M sucks because some of the greates movies is not shown here... :( for no reasons. sigh.... Anyway, going to look out for the DVD soon! :))
Here are some memorable quotes which I like very much from the movie and it's so funny:
Gabe: It was the pain that had no name. [talking about love]
Leslie: Maybe not everything is supposed to last forever. Certain things are like... like... skywriting. Like, like, like a really beautiful thing that lasts for a couple moments and then... You know?
Gabe: [cries] Mommy!
Leslie: I know, honey. Love sucks.
Gabe: Yeah.
Gabe: Look at them all. Rats in their cages, their lives destroyed by love. I'm done with it. I won't be like them. The fools.
Gabe: It's amazing how quickly time moves. Just yesterday, I thought I loved her, but now, I don't even care about her at all.
Gabe: See, life is about so much more than Rosemary. I had my family, my health, my kicking career. I really had no room for a woman in my life.
Gabe: Somewhere a million miles away, the girl I once loved was going down her road, and I was stuck back on mine.
Gabe: I couldn't escape them, all the little things I left unsaid, I was drowning in them.
Gabe: Suddenly, I knew what I had to do. Love isn't about ridiculous little words. Love is about grand gestures. Love is about airplanes pulling banners over stadiums, proposals on jumbo-trons, giant words in sky writing. Love is about going that extra mile even if it hurts, letting it all hang out there. Love is about finding courage inside of you that you didn't even know was there.
Gabe: As I held onto Rosemary Telesco for dear life, we both knew the truth. She was going off to camp and eventually, private school. We were on different roads, she and me. Two ships that passed in Sheep Meadow.
Gabe: See, this is just like I told you. Same thing I knew getting into this whole mess - love ends.
Gabe: The truth is, you come into this world alone and leave it the exact same way.
Gabe: Love is an ugly, terrible business practiced by fools. It'll trample your heart and leave you bleeding on the floor. And what does it really get you in the end? Nothing but a few incredible memories that you can't ever shake. The truth is, there's gonna be other girls out there. I mean, I hope. But I'm never gonna get another first love. That one is always gonna be her.
Gabe: I loathed myself for feeling like I did. I mean, this is crazy. She's a girl for God's sake, it's not like she's a New York Knick or something.
Leslie: I didn't know you were having a play date, or I wouldn't have made plans. Should I stay?
Gabe: It's not a play date, mom, it's practice.
Gabe: [thinking while standing with Rosemary and Ronny] Is there anything more excruciating than you and your date and your mom's date all hanging out with absolutely nothing to say? Ronny: Don't do anything I wouldn't do, okay kiddo.
Gabe: Okay, that's more excruciating.
Gabe: This was no time for small talk. It was time to lay things on the table. To reach through the phone line and dig deep into that woman's soul.
Gabe: Where's that Rosemary? The Rosemary I loved? Not this alien with her crazy weekends! Gabe: [after intense karate battle daydream] If only life were that simple.
Gabe: [thinking] And the next morning, something kind of amazing happened. The sun came out again.
Gabe: This much I know firsthand - love hurts.
Old Man on the Street: I had a girlfriend once upon a time, too. She trampled my heart. Left me bleeding on the floor. Run.
Gabe: What?
Old Man on the Street: Run while you still can, brother. Take my advice. Make like the wind.
Karate Sensei: And Gabe, your new sparring partner will be David Betanahu.
Gabe: What choice did I have but to return to my old, miserable life? Wait a minute. You were happy. Oh, please! I was miserable. I just didn't know how miserable I was.
Gabe: Look at me. I can bounce back. I don't need some girl in my life for me to happy.
Gabe: There are very few things more painful than watching the woman you love grapple with another man. Actually, I take that back. There are no things more painful.
Gabe: But it wasn't that easy. I guess love never is.
Adam: I just cleared some old stuff out of the storage room.
Gabe: Never had I been so keenly aware of the ability of palm to manufacture sweat, but I was determined to hold that girl's hand for every single second.
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