CafeMom Tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

Greatest Regrets

Do you know what's the scariest thing about a marriage? That is you've married the wrong kind of person from what you've expected him/her to be.

When I was young (I mean back in school times), I always hear people saying that if you want to know whether you have married the right person, wait till you have your first child. I always wonder why wait till then??? What's the mystery about knowing the person you married until you gave birth???

Since then , I always wonder why there's such saying..??? Couldn't you tell when you date the person? Or may be one should date a person long enough (I mean more than 5 years at least) to know the true colour of a person... Then, a girl wouldn't married to the wrong kinda guy... (^_^) wouldn't you agreed?

For the past 10 years, I've been living in my own lie... I always told myself that it's ok he will change for good... never mind, let's give him another chance... etc. etc.

I'm telling you now that all my thoughts were WRONG!!!!!!!!! WRONG!!!!!!!! WRONG!!!!!!! (-_-)

Now I truly understand why and there's no way that you could avoid or skip this part of knowing the true colour of a person (i.e. their up bringing, their taste, their mind set)!

And I have to admit that without denying any longer I've married the wrong person! So wrong that I actually wanted to erase all the past and divorce him immediately if not now! Is that bad I tell you... (-_-)
I remember recently he told me that "there's nothing perfect in this world!"... and I wonder why in the first place (before I even decided to married him) I even thought that he is THE MOST PERFECT husband and father to my child????? His words has awaken me that he is NOT the man for me nor my child.

If you don't want a "perfect" life then why the hell you find a girlfriend and married her??? Why don't you just sleep around and be SINGLE all your life??!!! That would be easier for both of us when in the very beginning of our relationship I told you that "I don't intend to prolong our relationship!!" You were the one who is perusing it actively making our relationship work!?? DUHHH....!??

I have ran out of words to describe his spoiled brat attitude and to tell what the kind of nonsense he has put me through since the arrival (well even before) of our son. I regretted that day I give him the chance to come near to me.... I should have shut him out and stay away from him! If I would have known this is the piece of shit I will have to deal with I rather stay single.

I don't think he ever uses his brain to think once for me nor our son. All he care about was himself.... like a spoiled brat!!!! This is the kind of person who likes to sit around and wait for you to serve him like what his mother-fucker did to him... spoiled him like an asshole till now he is still behaving like one! Just take a look as his father-fucker! IT'S THE SAME! U JUST CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

'Totally Natural' Human Breast Milk Ice-Cream on Sale in London

Washington, Feb 25 (ANI): A shop in London is selling ice cream containing human breast milk. The shop in Covent Garden used milk donated by a UK mom to make the "totally natural" treat.

According to UK website Parentdish, Victoria Hiley, 35, a mother of one from Leeds in northern England, has already donated a liter of her breast milk to Icecreamists parlor for the dish it calls Baby Gaga.

"What's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash?" Fox News quoted Hiley as saying, who responded to an advert for milk suppliers on another parenting website, Mumsnet.

"What could be more natural than fresh, free-range mother's milk in an ice cream?"

The new parlor pays 15 pounds (24 dollars) for every 10 ounces of milk and has already had 15 mothers become donors. Each lactating woman undergoes the same health checks used by the UK's National Health Service to screen blood donors.

Matt O'Connor, 44, who runs Icecreamists, makes the dish by blending the breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest.

"No-one's done anything interesting with ice cream in the last hundred years," he said.
"Some people will hear about it and go, 'yuck,' but actually it's pure, organic, free-range and totally natural," he added. (ANI)

Monday, February 21, 2011

J is ONE !

Geez... Can't believe how fast time flies... J is hitting the big number ONE this month! Today (finally!) we decided to celebrated our baby boy's 1st birthday bash with our dear friends.

I never thought that baby J will sleep for more than an hour and when I went into his room, he was still sounds asleep (snoring away peacefully) in his dreamland... how could I ever want to disturb him and wake him from his peaceful sleep (???). I do struggle as daddy kept calling me through my hp to wake baby J from his sleep... He urges that we need to get to the event on time before the guests arrived!

I was thinking why worried so much... let the guests enjoy themselves as it was a casual lunch and/or party... DUH! Don't really understand why sometimes daddy could be very stressed up on small matters like this??? So I went in a few times into the room and still couldn't managed to wake him up from his peaceful sleep... baby J sleep like a baby...! He is sooo sweet!

By the time it is 11.20 a.m. I tried to stop the music but still baby J continues his sleep peacefully... then 5 mins later, I went in again... this time I tried to stop the hammock from rocking (this is what daddy suggested... I'm so sorry dear..), immediately baby J opens his eyes and look at me with his sleepy eyes... it melts my heart to see those eyes when he first wakes up from his sleep. Then, we hurriedly feed him and bathe him and get ready to go to his party.

All in all, we had a wonderful time with our friends and I have to say baby J was behaving very well today! He didn't even fuss about eating nor drinking for 3 hrs long!!! >_<>Happy Birthday, my sweet little angel boy!

Sigh. Sometimes, I feel like my heart will burst from the tug-of-war between enjoying the present and clinging to the past. Being a mom is so emotionally exhausting.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The 10 Most Irritating, Least Helpful Parenting Tips Ever

I have nothing against friends and family offering advice when you come to them with a dilemma. It's the people who pipe up, unbidden, because they see you with a child and assume you have no idea what you're doing. Too often these people are elderly great-aunts. Fortunately those ladies are afraid of the Internet, so I can rail against them and they'll be none the wiser! Thanks, ladies.

1. "Sleep now, because once that baby comes you'll never sleep again." Technically this is a pregnancy tip, of course, but I'm shoving it in here anyway. Yes, Great-Aunt Hildy, I will sleep throughout my entire third trimester. Because I am part bear.

2. "Sleep when the baby sleeps." Everyone gives you this one — annoying relatives, pediatricians, the cashier at the drugstore where you were buying newborn diapers. Are these people all robots, capable of instantly dropping off to sleep whenever their child is unconscious? Do they not have other things to do, like bathe, or simply relish the rare moments of silence you get when you have an infant?

Read more from Alice Bradley on << The Motherboard Blog >>
3. "I think your baby's hungry." Whether you're nursing or bottle-feeding, everyone assumes you don't know how to feed your child. And every time your child cries, whines, grimaces, or squirms, they are going to assume you are starving your poor baby and you need reminders to feed it. Lest you forget! This advice is especially maddening when they turn out to be correct.

4. "Relish every moment of your baby's first years, because they'll be grown before you know it." You mean, time only moves forward? I had no idea! I thought we'd be like this forever and ever! This sort of advice, obvious and innocuous as it seems, always put me on the defensive, as if I had just been carrying my baby under my arm like a football, muttering, "Grow up already, why don't you. Just GROW UP."

Related: Celebrities on Motherhood
5. "I hope you're sleep training that child. Do you WANT him to be spoiled?" Oh, distant relative/person whose aisle I shared at the supermarket, I'm so glad you know exactly my child needs. And that you know, from your years of scientific research, that any child not allowed to cry it out will be a horrible waste of flesh! (See #6 for this parenting tip's counterpart.)

6. "I hope you're not doing that 'crying it out' thing. It's so barbaric. Enjoy your baby all through the night!" Again, kudos to you, whoever you are, for knowing what's best for our unique family situation! I will be calling you at 4 a.m., so you can enjoy our baby as well.

Related: The Best Mom Moments of All Time

7. "Why are you bringing your child outside when it's so cold out?" It never ceased to amaze me that, no matter what my child's age, total strangers will express alarm and revulsion that I dared expose him to the elements. "And WHY ISN'T BE WEARING MITTENS? He's going to get consumption!"

8. "Your child isn't really sad/angry/injured. He's just manipulating you." There's no doubt that children can push our buttons as if they've had professional training in it, but the notion that my kid's authentic feelings are in fact manufactured to elicit a reaction really chaps my hide. If that were always true, he'd be a pint-sized sociopath. I'm pretty sure that's not the case.

Related: Read 7 Hilarious Tantrum Tales Here
9. "Schools are just glorified prisons. If you loved your child, you'd homeschool." Oh, if only I loved my child enough to abandon my livelihood, tear him away from the community he so enjoys, separate him from the professionals who have dedicated their careers to childhood education, and forced him to stay home all day with me, where we'd be at each other's throats for hours! If only! Please note: I am not opposed to homeschooling, at all — in fact I wish it would work for us, but it would not.

10. "If I were you, I'd just—" OH NO YOU DON'T. I know where this is going. Listen, unnamed distant acquaintance who last parented in the 19th century (it's true — I often get my unwanted advice from ghosts) you don't know diddly about my kid, and our relationship, and what works for us.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

What Do You Know about Baby's Sleep Habits?


Your Score: 20  

*** Wow! I never thought I would score this high!! :D I surprised myself! All effort in looking after my baby is well worth it ! And I'm still learning...***

More Details:

1-10 Hmmm, maybe neither of you are getting any sleep! If you're having problems with your infant and her sleep habits, talk to your pediatrician to figure out a solution so you both can start sleeping comfortably! Try brushing up on your infant sleep facts.

11-15 OK, not so bad! There are a few things you're not sure about, so if you're confused, make sure to bring your questions up at your next visit with your pediatrician. Learn a little bit more about infant sleep facts.

16-20 If you scored this high, most likely you're taking this quiz while your little angel is napping! Good for you for getting your baby into a comfortable sleeping routine!

1. True. Newborns generally sleep 18 to 20 hours per day.
2. False. Most babies develop a regular sleep schedule by six months.
3. False. Like adults, all babies are different. Some may sleep through the night as early as four months while others might not do so until 12 months.
4. False. Unless your baby has special nutitrional needs or issues, and requires the extra calories, you shouldn't need to wake your baby to eat. When he's hungry, he'll make sure to let you know!
5. True. You should not leave a bottle in the crib for your baby in the middle of the night.
6. True. Feet-in or blanket sleepers are the best to dress your baby in for sleeping.
7. False. Nothing should be in the crib that could obstruct the baby’s airway.
8. False. Sleep rhythms for a baby usually develop around three months.
9. False. Following a consistent routine is the best way to get your infant to sleep comfortably.
10. False. At six months, your baby should sleep about 12 to 14 hours a day.

Dr. Charles Shubin, Director of Pediatrics, Mercy FamilyCare, Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, MD was interviewed for this quiz. Check out this sleep article for more information. 

Thursday, February 03, 2011

J 1st Birthday Bash

Sorry for the long silence.... It feels good to be back! And no, I did not go for a vacation... Not even a short trip. Let me update you what I've been busy doing for the past few weeks... I was busy planning for J's 1st birthday party!! :D Thank goodness it was all over now. I'm just glad that things are back to normal again! :D

I have to say I'm not a good planner especially for party!!!! That's why I urge my hubby to get a event planner for me and it turns out it was even WORST! Who says that event planner suppose to give you more space to relax and they are more professional in planning and/or setting up the event??? I wonder.... It's not the case for me.... :(

I guess, after this I don't think I would hire an event planner for any of the party that I do. It was a pain!!! Or should I say SHE was a pain!!! There are reasons why I say so....

1. she is a beginner... and she told me that she is a professional (??) *my ass* My event don't even look "jaw dropping" when I see it... it was just "Oh OK" all the balloons were up... nothing special! You and I can do it even better than her!

2. She mess up my party invitations with the printing lady... >___< I end up paying more and didn't get the things that I wanted... i.e. the pinwheels & e-invitation

3. The dessert table set-up was lousy! I have to re-arrange the goodie bags & cupcakes on the table to look presentable... what was she thinking???! Or she didn't use her brain but mostly the mouth... I just can hear her talking all the times!!!

FYI, I was planning this 2 months early and had hired a planner but still disaster happened!!! What can I say?! As the saying goes, "you can only plan but GOD is the one who decide what is going to happen with you!" This is SO true!!!! I have to admit for the 2nd time!! >___< ''

Overall, I think the most successful of all my planning was the cake & balloon... Yeah, even she is late to deliver the cake to the event at least her cake is worth my money & the balloons ppl didn't mess up the timing... Hubby managed to collect the balloons early. And if not because of the LIPAS, I think the 3rd most successful would be the restaurant services.

Let's just hope the photos turn out good as I haven't seen it yet until now..... keeping my fingers crossed on this!!! And am still waiting patiently to hear from my photographer.