CafeMom Tickers

Saturday, May 22, 2010

No Schedule Yet

Babies under 3 months of age follow internal cycles of sleeping and eating. By around 3 months old, though, they begin to be influenced by the combination of this internal wiring and the external world — the routines you create. Some babies naturally and easily fall into the rhythms of their household. Other babies have a more irregular sensibility and are more resistant to the cues you provide.

You can help settle an erratic baby's temperament by building a daylong schedule of feeding, playtime, bathing, and other activities that's consistent. Try to work around your baby's natural inclinations. Keep a diary to see whether there are certain times of the day when she exhibits certain behavior. For example, if she's fussy in the afternoon, make that the time you give her extra cuddling and help her settle before she grows frantic. Match the number and timing of naps to when she most often seems tired, but let your schedule, not hers, determine when things happen from day to day. Don't try cramming in errands at a time when she should be napping, or you'll undermine the schedule you're trying to create.

Finally, let go of ideals of perfection: If you have a baby who resists a regimented schedule, the best you can hope for is more regularity in your household — not a complete absence of disorder.

~ The above advise is from ~

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