CafeMom Tickers

Monday, May 31, 2010

Toys for Your Baby

Baby J is 3 months, 2 weeks and 6 days.

The very best toys for your baby's first year.

Toys to consider

Baby-safe mirror
Many babies find their own reflection interesting and entertaining
Musical or chime toy
To soothe your crying baby at bedtime or any time
Cloth toy
Easy to hold, with textures that encourage little hands to explore
Developmental toys
Fun ways to help babies develop coordination, recognition, and other skills
Gym or playmat
Puts toys where young babies can reach them and encourages tummy time
A satisfying noise rewards your baby with each shake
Relieves pressure on sore gums and doubles as an easy-to-grip toy
On-the-go toy
Small enough to tuck into a diaper bag for fun in the car or stroller
Stuffed animal
A reassuring "lovey" gives some babies a sense of security
Soft book
Easy-to-hold books made for grabbing, chewing, and exploring
Activity center
Stimulation and exercise for your baby and a welcome break for you
Household items
Unbreakable measuring cups, plastic bowls, and wooden utensils can make fun toys

Nice extras for babies 9 to 12 months old

Push toy
Gives your cruising baby a chance to practice walking with support
Shape sorter
Fitting the shape to the hole is the perfect challenge for older babies
Babies get a kick out of stacking things up and knocking them down
Bucket and shovel
Filling and dumping are a hit with this age group


  • Whether you're playing peek-a-boo or stacking blocks together, stop when your child seems bored, fussy, or tired. That's your baby's way of telling you it's time for a break.
  • To keep things new and interesting for your baby, rotate toys regularly. Put some away for a week or two, then reintroduce them and stash some different toys in the closet.

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