CafeMom Tickers

Friday, December 03, 2010

Trying for Number Two

Among American women, the average interval between first and second births is about two and a half years, which may sound like a decade to you if you're ready to go again now! But really, it is best to give your body a year, at least, to recover from pregnancy before you start over again —  eighteen months, even better. But that's just the ideal. Of course, lots of women don't wait that long, and that's fine. (Look at Heidi Klum!) So why wait? For one thing, it takes a while for your body to recover from the vitamin depletion, blood loss, and wear and tear on the reproductive system from your first birth. And, whether you realize it or not, your body — and your spirit — are under a good deal of stress from caring for baby number one. 

The reality is that many factors come into play when it comes to spacing your children. But regardless of timing, the best way to increase your odds of having a healthy baby is to stay fit and healthy yourself. So if you do decide to jump right back in the pool, make sure you take extra good care of Mommy. You should try to shed most, if not all, of your first pregnancy weight but not by strenuous dieting. (That could deplete your nutritional stores, which are already depleted by pregnancy, especially if you're breastfeeding, but even if you're not.) Keep taking your prenatal vitamins if you're planning to go another round soon, check in with your practitioner, and eat as well as you possibly can. Most of all, listen to your body. Hope that helps! And good luck with your project, whenever you decide to get started with it!

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