CafeMom Tickers

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Trumpet Mouth

I feel like slapping my hubby mouth each time he started to babble i.e. talk without using his brain... Also, especially in occasions where dealing with my family or his side, and that I specially requested him to ZIPPED his mouth! He stills can't stop talking & talking & talking!!!!

How could anyone be so talkative or in Chinese we called it "san pat"!!!????? Really feels like slapping him now if I can just get a BIG spat! @___@

I bet he couldn't keep his mouth shut for just one second!!!! Even when he sleeps, he snore!!!! What kind of MONSTER I've married! Damn! Why others husband can be so politely smart & knows when to talk & when to shut up ??? I'm doomed!!! This has no medicine to cure, it's hereditary!!!! You know from who... yeah, from his "mother fucker" who also been called by most people the "trumpet mouth"!

He just know how to annoy me & make me wants to slap him over & over again!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sibling Rivalry

Brothers and sisters fight. Part of the reason for the disputes is different personalities and ages. The other part is that siblings see themselves as rivals, competing for an equal share of limited family resources (like the bathroom, telephone, or last piece of cake) and parental attention.

Sibling rivalry is a normal part of growing up, but it can drive parents crazy. The key to minimizing disputes at home is to know when to let your kids work out their problems themselves, and when to step in and stop the fighting.

The Cause of Sibling Conflicts

Kids aren't always the most rational of human beings -- especially younger children. For this reason, sometimes the smallest issues can turn into major battles and strain sibling relationships to the breaking point.

Here are a few reasons why siblings fight:

Attention. Children are always vying for their parents' attention. The busier parents are, and the more demands there are on their attention, the less they can focus on each child. One of the biggest parental attention drains is a baby. When all of the attention suddenly turns to the family's newest arrival, it can be hard for the other child (or children) to accept losing his or her previous position as the center of attention. Sometimes the parents' attention is focused on a child who is sick or has special needs (for example, because of a learning disability). Whatever the reason, when kids feel as though they're being ignored, they may act out and misbehave to get the attention they want.

Sharing. Most homes don't have unlimited resources. That means all siblings will inevitably have to share at least some of their possessions. Giving up a toy or other favorite possession to a sibling can be especially hard on young children.

Unique personalities. Your oldest child might be the headstrong one, while the youngest is quieter and more introverted. Differences in temperament can lead to clashes. Age and gender differences also can lead to sibling fighting.

Fairness issues. Children are like little lawyers, always demanding fairness and equality, and fighting for what they perceive are their natural-born rights. A younger sibling might complain that her older sister gets to go to a concert and she has to stay at home, while the older sister whines that she has to babysit for her little sister instead of going out with her friends. Feelings of unfair treatment and sibling jealousy can lead to resentment.

How to Handle Sibling Rivalry

What should you do when your kids fight? Even if the screaming is driving you nuts, as long as none of your children is in danger of getting hurt, don't get in the middle of the argument. Try to let your kids resolve their own issues. Stepping in won't teach your kids how to handle conflict, and it could make it seem as though you're favoring one child over another (especially if you're always punishing the same child).

Some disagreements are easier than others for kids to end. When sibling fighting escalates to the point where you can no longer stay out of it, here are some tips for resolving the conflict:

Separate. Take your kids out of the ring and let them cool down in their own corners (their rooms). Sometimes all kids need is a little space and time away from each other.

Teach negotiation and compromise. Show your kids how to resolve disputes in a way that satisfies both siblings involved. First, ask them to stop yelling and start communicating. Give each child a chance to voice his or her side of the story. Listen, but don't be judgmental. Try to clarify the problem ("It sounds like you're really upset with David for taking your favorite video game"), and ask your kids to find a solution that works for everyone involved. If they can't come up with any ideas for resolving the issue, you introduce a solution. For example, if the kids are fighting over a new game, write up a schedule that gives each child a set amount of time to play with the game.

Enforce rules. Make sure all of your kids abide by the same rules, which should include no hitting, name-calling, or damaging each other's property. Let your kids have a say in how the rules are established and enforced. For example, they may decide that the punishment for hitting is losing their TV privileges for one night. Letting your kids play a role in the decision-making process will make them feel like they have at least a little bit of control over their own lives. When your kids follow the rules, praise them for it.

Don't play favorites. Even if one of your kids is constantly getting into trouble and the other is an angel, don't take sides or compare your kids (for example, by saying "Why can't you be more like your sister?"). It will only make your kids resent each other more. Giving one child preferential treatment can also hurt the relationships between you and your children.

Don't make everything equal. There is no such thing as perfect equality in a family. An older child will inevitably be allowed to do some things her younger siblings can't. Instead of trying to make your kids equals, treat each child as a unique and special individual.

Give kids the rights to their own possessions. Sharing is important, but children shouldn't be forced to share everything. All of your children should have something special that is completely their own.

Hold family meetings. Get together with the entire family once a week to hash out any issues. Give every family member a chance to air his or her grievances, and come up with solutions together.

Give each child separate attention. It can be hard to spend time alone with each child, especially when you have a large family, but one of the reasons why siblings resent each other is that they feel they aren't getting enough of your attention. To let your kids know that you value every one of them, make one-on-one time for each child. Carve out special days where you take your daughter shopping or your son to the movies -- just the two of you. Even 10 to 15 minutes of your attention each day can make your child feel special.

When Sibling Fighting Gets Out of Control

It's completely normal for siblings to fight from time to time. But when fighting escalates to the point where one child is becoming emotionally or physically victimized, it needs to stop. Repeated hitting, biting, or "torturing" behaviors (for example, incessant tickling, teasing, or belittling) are forms of sibling abuse, and justification for you to step in. If you can't stop the violence yourself, talk to your child's pediatrician or a mental health provider to get immediate help.

Friday, January 13, 2012

What Your Child's Name Says About You

Babies start off with a clean slate, so what you choose for your little one
reveals more about your personality than theirs.

By Linda DiProperzio

Choosing your child's name is a big decision--after all, he'll be walking around with it for the rest of his life. And according to Laura Wattenberg, author of The Baby Name Wizard, when a child is born, the name reflects more on you than him. "The name doesn't belong to you--you're making the decision because your child can't do it for himself--but what you choose does say a lot about your personality."

But as your child gets older, the name will also reflect on him--especially when he's doing things like sending out job resumes. "People do draw conclusions based on someone's name," says Wattenberg. "It sends out such a strong signal before the person even walks into the room."

So how do you
make sure you choose wisely? "When deciding on a name, you want to see it from the child's point of view and how she or he will have to live with it throughout their lives," says Jennifer Moss, author of The One-in-a-Million Baby Name Book and founder of "Try the name out at your local coffee shop. How do you feel giving that as your name? What kind of reaction do you get and how does it make you feel?"

Check out our rundown of what your top picks say about your personality.

If your child has an unusual name, you crave the spotlight.

Celeb Baby Names:
Apple (Gwyneth Paltrow), Pilot Inspektor (Jason Lee), Kal-El (Nicolas Cage)

Over the past few years, more and more parents (and not just celebrities) are
choosing offbeat monikers for their little ones--and don't expect that trend to end anytime soon, says Wattenberg. "There is a revolution going on when it comes to baby names, and for some parents, the more unusual, the better." Wattenberg has seen such names as Zeppelin (as in Led Zeppelin), Anakin (as in Skywalker), Lucifer (as in, you know) and Mystique (like the character from X Men) handed out to babies. "Past generations worried more about their child fitting in, but today's parents want their kids to stand out. And some are in a race to be more distinctive than the next."

For parents who choose such names, it's a possible combination of being a creative person (like actors and musicians) and liking the attention that the name gives not only to their child, but to them for choosing it. "When you tell people your child's name, it will lead to a lot of questions--they'll want to know the back story," says Maryannna Korwitts, founder of "So it does put the parents in the spotlight." In fact, these parents often have ordinary names and probably found themselves being one of four kids with their name in school. They don't want their child to experience the same thing--they want him to be noticed.

If your child has an old-fashioned name, you're on the conservative side.

Celeb baby names:
Agnes (Jennifer Connelly), Homer (Richard Gere), Tabitha (Sarah Jessica Parker)

Don't mistake conservative for boring, says Moss. Choosing an old-fashioned name is also on trend right now, so it's a way to be in fashion without going over the top. "The three-generation rule comes into effect here," says Wattenberg.

"For parents, their own names sound boring, the baby's grandparents' names are old, but the great-grandparents' names go far enough back that they actually sound fresh again. This is why names like Emma, Amelia, Jacob, and Lillian came back into popularity."

"These names stand apart from the pack, but they're not made up and they don't sound weird to others," says Korwitts. "Although names like Ava and Emily are in the Top 10, most of the old-fashioned names are not used on a regular basis, so the child is standing out. They're trendy, but in a safe way."

If you choose a creative spelling, you dare to be different.

Celeb baby names: Ryder (Kate Hudson), Rocko (Johnny Knoxville), Zowie (David Bowie and Iman)

Many parents are taking a
traditional name and putting their own spin on it by changing the spelling. "In an effort to be different and make their kids special from the very beginning, we see a lot of names with a multitude of spellings," says Candace Alper, creator of Name Your Tune, personalized CDs for children that feature the child's name throughout much-loved kids' tunes.

"We see extra vowels, silent H's, and Y's where there would traditionally be an "I" or an "E" (think Aayden, Khate, Rhyan).
But this technique can backfire, says Moss. "I've heard parents say they want a unique name, but not something so wild that the kid will be made fun of, so they think this is a good alternative," she explains. "But you're actually burdening your child with having to spell her name for people the rest of her life."

When it comes to using a different spelling, it's best to be cautious. It's one thing to decide whether to spell Alison with one L or two, but choosing a spelling like Allysynn will likely just lead to confusion for others and possible embarrassment for your child. "It's a way of bringing attention to the child and her name, but not necessarily in a good way," says Korwitts. "And when you drastically change the spelling of a name, you're interfering with its energy."

If you choose a family name, you're sentimental.

Celeb baby names:
Charlie (Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell's daughter is named after his brother), Vivienne Marcheline (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's daughter shares her middle name with her maternal grandmother), Ava (Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe's daughter is named after his grandmother).

"This name has a more personal story behind it, so it's not as flashy as
naming your child after your favorite car or rock star," says Wattenberg. "If it's a traditional name, people aren't going to ask you about it, so they won't know it's a family name unless you tell them. That could be why these types of names have lost some steam in recent years." But she's quick to point out that you can be creative while also honoring a beloved family member.

She points to Will and Jada Smith's kids as examples: son Jaden was named for his mom; daughter Willow is a play on her dad's name. "You can easily put a twist on a traditional name and give it a more modern flair, like naming your son Donovan after your grandfather, Donald," says Wattenberg.

"People are also using family surnames as first or middle names and that's a great alternative because it allows you to honor a whole branch of a family tree instead of just one person," says Moss. "My daughter's name, Miranda, is her grandmother's maiden name. We were lucky that it was also a beautiful first name."

A pop culture name means you're looking for a confidence boost.

Celeb baby names: Monroe (Mariah Carey), Lennon (Liam Gallagher), Bardot (David Boreanez)

The names Bella and Edward have been
moving up the ranks with the success of Twilight, and even celebrities use their child's first name to honor a favorite star: Mariah Carey recently named her daughter Monroe after Marilyn, Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher named his son Lennon after John, and Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell's daughter Dolly is named after mom's favorite singer, Dolly Parton. "I suspect that many who name their child after a celebrity are speaking to their own desire for optimal fame," says Korwitts.

"For instance, Mariah Carey has struggled a great deal during her career with her self-image, etc. No doubt in her mind she has held favorites stars of the past in high esteem, so in naming her daughter Monroe, she is paying homage to that admiration." What's especially interesting, notes Korwitts, is that Mariah didn't opt for the first name--she chose the surname as a first name, which speaks even more to the particular celebrity.

"To have chosen Marilyn would have meant very little," she says. "She needed to make a public statement with her children's names."
These are also celebrity watchers who name their babies either after celebrities or after the names that celebrities have given their babies. "We've seen more babies named Shiloh (Angelina Jolie) and Coco (Courteney Cox)," says Alper.

If you name your child after a destination, you're adventurous.

Celeb baby names:
Egypt (Alicia Keys), Memphis (Bono), Brooklyn (Victoria and David Beckham) These names often have a lot of meaning for parents, says Korwitts. "It can be where they met, spent their honeymoon, or even where the child was conceived. And this is their way of making sure their baby is given a bit of that particular place's personality." These names also send out a signal to others that the parents are worldly travelers.

After all,
if you name your little one London, people are going to ask (or simply assume) that you've spent some time there. So the name serves as a way to show off some of your personal adventures while also giving your child an exotic and unusual name.

If you go with a unisex name, you focus on success.

Celeb baby names: Harlow (Nicole Ritchie and Joel Madden; girl), Kelley (Holly Marie Combs; boy), Mason (Kourtney Kardashian; boy; and Kelsey Grammar; girl)

A couple recently made headlines when they named their baby Storm, and then decided they weren't going to divulge the child's sex to family and friends after it was born. This is an extreme case, but names like Dakota, Riley, and Avery are choices for parents who want to give their child a strong but gender-neutral name. "Many parents of girls do this because they think it will give her an advantage later on in life," says Korwitts.

"Those names have a more assertive, aggressive quality they feel will make her more successful as she grows up."
But unisex names can have the opposite effect in the technology age. "People are communicating more and more over email and the Internet, and others can't tell whether they're talking to a man or a woman," explains Korwitts. "Many people with unisex names eventually alter it so that it's clear which gender they are."

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Non-Stop Busy, Busy, Busy

Hey, how are y'all doing? Guess you must be busy spring cleaning your house and getting ready to celebrate CNY since it's just 15 more days to go! =) Aren't we excited to welcome the year of Dragon! Ha! I'm too busy spring cleaning my house & running around to get things for our home before CNY.

So far, I've done the followings:

1.Washed all curtains - bedrooms & living room
2. Clear my toiletries drawers
3. Tidy up our study room
4. Put up the curtain grill in the kitchen
5. Changed the picture position on the wall in the study
6. Spring clean 60% of the container & tools in the kitchen (still 40% to go)
7. Tidy up JJ's toys - put all the "bored" toys in boxes
8. Clear all clothing which were too small for our boy
9. Found a NEW bed frame & mattress (special for spinal) for JJ's play room (from Harvey Norman)
10. Spring clean our closet (re-arrange the space)
11. Potty training my boy - so far he's doing great! But he still haven't poop in his new potty >_<''
12. Did 2 NEW presentations slides for my boy - Occupations & Sports
13. Downloaded a few educational movies for JJ - bob the builder, cars, heavy duty vehicles etc.
14. Clear storeroom 2 - more spacious now
15. paint my front gate
16. paint my laundry grill (I do it myself...hahah)
17. paint the stool (daddy's job well done!)
18. clear the storeroom 3 (at the garage)

Things that are still pending (!):

1. Get the curtains trimmed & put up in the kitchen
2. Clear the store room 1
3. get rid of old mattress & bed frame
4. clean the front & back window
5. decorate our wall with the new cny stickers
6. get another cupboard for JJ's room
7. Find a venue to host JJ's birthday party
8. teach JJ to count 1,2,3 in english
9. get a new sofa for our living room

I guess that's all... Hopefully can do all this before CNY comes! Wish me luck! :D

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Welcome to Yr 2012!

Happy New Year everyone!

Yeah, I know... time had flew! It's 1st Jan 2012 today and I still haven't really get over things to do in 2011!! Oops! What I've been missing??? More TIME please?! I need more time & energy for myself & my family. But it seems that all I've been missing is my tolerance level & it's declining by days... (>____<)

"Some idiot" really knows how to irritate me! I do not know how long could I take it.... Sometimes I feel like I want to give up on him. He's not doing any good to me nor our baby. There were more unhappiness that fall in this house than any other household. I know it's useless to change him (to be better) when he himself refusing to change for good sake. I've use all sorts of methods but nothing seemed working well. I want to give-up on him... but I've pledge my words to the Lord to serve my purpose in life. I love the Lord & I respect his words. But someday, I know the Lord, will decide what is best for me & my child. I just leave all that to Him & let Him take me to where He wants me to go at the end of the day.

I do my part & never to look back. Whatever happens, it's for the best... for all of us even we may not like it. I wish I have more time to write more on this page... I promise I will recap what had happened on my blog. In the meantime, enjoy year 2012! :)