CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh La La

Have you ever wonder what would happened if the man that you married doesn't look the same anymore?? The face that you see (when you first met) everyday not only grew bigger and bigger like a balloon but the other body parts also expanding like nobody business !! I do have the experience. The fact that the look of the man that I first fall in love has changed, also made me to change my feelings for him litterally..... I do not adore him as much now... because of his fat balloon face and all the other parts of his body also getting fat, heavier and well "not-nice-to-look-at"!!

Not that I hope to see exactly what he is like 10 years ago but I do not hope to see the changes so drmatically changes the whole person outlook! hhmmm........ how does this man turn me on?? As for me, I do have a lot of changes but all in all it does not really made me heavier or bigger in size????? Honey, you really need to think of your weight problem...... !!! Over-weight people have a lot of sickness.... and they don't enjoy life much!

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