CafeMom Tickers

Friday, October 02, 2009

Baby Stroller - Part 1

Here are some useful tips (especially to those first time parents like me) when considerations which kind of stroller/pushchair suitable for you and your baby needs. Happy shopping! :)

5 questions to ask before you choose a pushchair

1. How old is my baby & will I be pushing one or more?
Until three months, newborns need a lie-flat option to support and protect their backs. Choose from a two-in-one, travel system or 3-wheeler. A forward-facing pushchair is only suitable if it can be laid flat. If you're having twins or will be pushing a toddler as well as a newborn, a two-seater is the answer. A side-by-side pushchair is great for twins; a tandem (one seat in front, one behind) is best for a toddler and a baby (the baby goes in the lie-flat seat at the back). When your baby is between three and six months, you can choose a lightweight stroller.

2. What will I use the push chair for?
If you prefer the car to pounding the pavements, choose a lightweight model - a two-in-one may suit more than a 3-wheeler which is heavier to lift in and out of the boot. A travel system would be ideal for getting in and out of the car with minimum disturbance to you baby. If you do a lot of shopping on foot, you'll need a large shopping basket underneath, such as those on a two-in-one or forward-facing pushchair. Strollers give you little room for purchases. Pushability, manoeuvrability and a smooth ride are essential for country walks and can be a plus for uneven city pavements.

If this is your lifestyle, choose a 3-wheeler. If you use public transport or hop on and off planes for holidays, a lightweight, easy-folding, compact pushchair is important - check out the forward-facing options.

3. Where will I keep my pushchair?
Consider the size of your home. You need to make sure you can get your pushchair through the front door and up or down any stairs. You'll also need space to store it. And check your car-boot size. Sounds obvious, but if you can only just squeeze the pram in there, where's all your shopping going to go? Check the fit before you buy. If size and weight is an issue, move on to a stroller as soon as your baby is old enough.

4. How long will I use the pushchair?
If you plan to pass it on to your next baby, invest a little more for durability. A two-in-one, 3-wheeler or a travel system may be your best bet. If you want to move to a stroller at three months, don't spend quite so much.

5.How much can I spend?
The more you spend, the more features you'll get, and if you go for top-of-the-range, both looks and functionality will be maximised.

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