CafeMom Tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 22

Forget about ounces, baby. This week we're talking a whopping weight of 1 pound and a length of nearly 8 inches, about the size of a small doll. But your doll is a living one - with developing senses, including touch, sight, hearing and taste.

What's your baby touching? He may grab onto the umbilical cord (there's not much else to hang onto in there) and practice the strong grip that will soon be clutching your fingers (and pulling on your hair).

What your baby seeing? Though it's dark in the uterine cocoon - and even with fused eyelids - fetuses this age can preceive light and dark. If you shine a flashlight over your belly, you might feel your baby react, perhaps trying to turn away from the bright light.

What's your baby hearing? The sound of your voice and that your partner, your heartbeat, the whoosh-whoosh of your blood circulating through your body, those gastric gurgles, the dog barking, sirens, a loud TV.

And, what's your baby tasting? Pretty much everything you're tasting

My feeling over the week:
I love the feeling of my baby moving inside me... it makes it so real and it tickles sometimes :)

Thank you dear Lord for taking care and looking after my baby . I hope Lord Jesus will continue to shine His magic upon him. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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