CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The 100th Days

Yippieee.... today is the last day of my Confinement Day! :D Been waiting for this day to come for so long... heheh... Now, I can eat whatever I want!!! heheh... Still, I have to avoid certain "cold" foods and drinks to maintain a good health & since I'm still breastfeeding I have to watch what I eat too.

Today also marked the 100th day my baby was born! :) Geee... time flies... It has been about 4 months already?!? WOW! I don't want to waste any day not seeing my baby growing up... It seems that time doesn't wait for you and that's why I have to grab every single opportunity I have to spend it with my dear child.

There's so much I want to teach him and share with him. Looking forward to grow old with him too! Hopefully he will grow up to be the man I want him to be - what else.... to be a healthy and happy child, of course! :)

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