CafeMom Tickers

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Finally the new US president, Barack Obama is taking over the White House today. "Change has come to America" that's the tagline appears on his website - you can check it out at I believe millions of people from around the world are watching this unbelieveable event happening either via TV or Internet.

The dream finally become reality for most of the African American. There is still hope for change not only for the people in America but the world. This will be a good example that the Americans have shown so far to the world. I have to say I'm lucky to be able to see such great event happening at my time. ALthough this is not happening at my own birth country, I am as happy as those Americans. This is a good sign to us... that miricles do happened. This gives me a good reminder not to give up hope and faith so easily when confronted with obstacles in life. Obama can, we also can!!! :) He is such an inspiration for all of us.

The word 'change' in dictionary refers to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone or to transform or convert. I read somewhere that sometimes change is good! But the question is are you ready for a change? I guess there is still not many people out there who are ready for a change or shd I say they are afraid to change.

I guess ones should embrace change no matter in what age you are. The world keeps changing from time to time... the weather too... why don't we??? We must adapt to changes and make it flexible in our life. If paln A doesn't work, we have to change to plan B, or plan C or ... till we finally meet with the result that we want! Never to give up your hopes, dreams & faith in Jesus Christ.

Wish all of you out there change for GOOD! :)

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