CafeMom Tickers

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ballooning Away

Now, I really looked like I'm pregnant! :) Everywhere I went, people will stare at my tummy and for those who know me, they will asked me, "Wow... When is your baby due?" Still, sometimes, I got people saying to me that my tummy looked small compare to others at my current month.

Nowadays, I can feel my back aching whenever I walked too much or sit too long. I can't even reached my toes anymore while in the shower not to mention clipping my toe nails... can just for get abt it. And those shirt which I used to wear, can't even fit in anymore to my current size... not even the new bra which I bought before my pregnancy.

The feeling of being pregnant is really increadible I must say especially your little ones kicking inside you. Sometimes, he even respond to your singing or when you are talking to him. This is an incredible feelings which I couldn't really describe in one sentance. There's no word to really describe the feeling actually... :) I pray that he will come out safely and healthy. Can't wait to meet my little man! :D

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